We finally made it to the fair last weekend, just in time before it is gone for another year. As soon as we walked past the games, Chris found the prize he was going to win for Tristan no matter how many tickets it would cost him. He was determined he would win the huge stuffed monkey in the banana. So he and Justin played the game where you had to throw the ring around the ducks neck to win the prize. After several attempts, they didn't win, personally I think the game was rigged. I convinced him to play a different game, this monkey was much smaller (less space to store)and we had a much better chance of winning. First try and he won!!! All in all, we had a blast. We went on rides, one that was too big for Tristan but somehow Chris convinced the guy to let them on. Look how little my poor baby is on this ride. This was before we realized there was a whole section of rides for small children. Tristan visited the farm animals and loved the little pigs. We went home with full bellies, a new bubble maker and lots of fond memories.
Speed Demons Tristan with his monkey Daddy won him
Last weekend our family came out to help us celebrate Justin's 14th b-day. We headed to Doheny for the afternoon and stayed into the early evening to roast hot dogs and smores by the fire. The weather was perfect and more importantly, Justin enjoyed his time with the family.
Justin and Keith Lukey Keith posing in his Sweet Shorts Micah and Drew Grandma and Uncle Tommy Sisters Taylor and Jake
Justin's First Birthday... We celebrated Justin's Birthday by going to a Japanese teppan dinner last night, one of his favorites. We are planning on getting together with the family this weekend at the beach for some fun. It is so hard to believe 14 years have passed since I gave birth to my first born. He has grown into a wonderful young man with a huge heart. I feel truly blessed to have him as my son!!! I love you Justin xoxo