Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 27, 2008

39 Weeks

Any day now our little bundle of joy will be joining our family. We thought for sure we were heading to the hospital this past Thursday. I was having consistent contractions that were five minutes apart for a few hours in the evening after having cramping all day long while I was at work. I was able to finally get to sleep and the contractions subsided. I definitely feel like something is happening, so for now we will just wait and I will continue to work this last week. My Mom is coming into town on Friday. I am super excited she will be here and it will be nice to have some extra help. I took a few pictures which could very well be our last belly shots. I am a little sad that I won't get to feel him move inside of me very soon but at the same time can't wait to hold him in my arms.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dr. visit update

Today was our weekly Dr. appointment. I am happy to say that things are moving along well. I am now 80% effaced and dilated to about 1. The doctor said that he could come at any time now and she doesn't think I will go beyond my due date of May 3rd. The other good news is that if for some reason he isn't here by his due date, my doctor is not opposed to inducing labor. Chris is hoping for a Cinco de Mayo baby. Although I feel huge at this point, I haven't gained any weight in the last three weeks which was very surprising to me because I feel like all I do is eat.
We have an ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday before our weekly appointment to see if they can determine his weight. I will keep you posted on any changes. We are so excited to meet him any day now.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

36 weeks

27 days left!!! I don't know if you can tell by the pictures but I have grown so much in the last week or two. My heartburn has kicked in and I have had off and on swelling in my feet. The baby gains an ounce a day from here on out. At this rate, I can't imagine waiting 4 more weeks. The little guy is still very active although he doesn't seem to have much room left. We have a doctor appointment tomorrow. We will now have our weekly appointments to see if there is any change. We also start our childbirth classes tomorrow night. It will be a good refresher for me and interesting for Chris.
The babies bag is packed, I am still working on mine though and the car seat is in the car ready to go. So we are pretty much ready for him to arrive.

Austin Baby Shower

Last weekend, my good friend Camille gave me a baby shower here in Austin. We had a lot of fun. We weren't sure how the weather was going to hold up since we had some rain off and on but it ended up being perfect out. I had a great time visiting with everyone.