Here are a couple of photos taken over this past weekend. I am beginning to look like I am carrying a basketball under my shirt. It's funny because I can't count the number of people I meet that ask if I am having a boy. Things are moving along well if I can now get rid of my annoying cough, I would be great. I caught a cold virus a few weeks ago and although I feel a ton better, my cough doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. It actually seems deeper then when it originally began and it is now going on week 3! To top it off, Chris has been dealing with a back injury for the past few weeks so all we seem to do is complain lately. :)
Next week we are flying back to California. I am so excited to see my friends and family. This will be my last plane trip before the baby arrives. It is weird to think he will be here so soon...
The next time back will hopefully be for good! Yes, we are still moving to CA, but no offers on the house yet. Believe me, everyone will know when we finally sell our home:)