Here is the most recent belly photo taken this past weekend. I am now 25 weeks and feeling pretty well. Baby boy has been very active. Chris talks to the baby every day. It is so amazing how quick the baby responds to his voice. Chris is excited to become a Daddy and it is so neat to see.
We are planning on getting a 3D/4D ultrasound in the next few weeks. I will post some photos when we do.
My tummy has grown a lot in the past month not to mention that I have gained the most weight out of any month so far. It was kind of depressing, but I am convinced it had to do with the good old holiday splurging and travel.
We started looking at baby furniture and other items this past week. It's time to start planning and figuring out what we will need. It has been so long that I have forgotten how much you need to prepare for a baby.
Our house is still on the market and we are anxious to get back to California to get settled. No luck yet, but we have seen much more activity lately, which is good. We are praying that some one comes along and makes an offer soon. It is a little frustrating for us not knowing exactly what to expect. We have about six weeks left to get an offer in order to move back before the baby arrives. If not, he will be born a little Texan...